Archive for the 'Family' Category


A Vacation Is Being Able To Go To The Bathroom Alone

This is what my life has come to. I no longer envy people with nice houses, cool cars or hip clothes. I just desire the simple things in life. I want to go to the bathroom by myself.

All of my children are very young and have either potty trained within the last year or are in the midst of it. So, to them, the bathroom is some kind of enchanting mystery land where they get stickers, praises and promises of treats.

For me, it was a place of solitude – until I had kids. Now, when I mention that I'm going to make a quick trip to the bathroom, I have a house full of small people who consider that an invitation.

"Can I come?" 

"I want to come!" 

"Me come potty! Me come potty!"

I did just say bathroom right? Not Disneyland, pizza parlor or playground. I don't get it.

So, while I cherish these years with my kids, I do long for the days when I'll be able to go to the bathroom without a cheering section. "Yeah Mommy! You did it! You went pee-pee!" 


My Greatest Fear

My greatest fear is that I will lay my head down at night and be the same person that I was when I woke up.

My greatest fear is that I won't grow or change today.

My greatest fear is that I'll get so caught up in life and in seeking comfort and rest that I will avoid the places and people that stretch me, challenge me, change me.

It seems to me that people grow and mature so much until about age 25 and then they start to stagnate. My greated fear is that I will stagnate.

I think I did for a few years. From about 23-26 I got caught up with work, life and trying to be a grown up and surrounded myself with lots of other people who's highest goal was comfort and the American dream. They were nice and they loved Jesus, but they didn't challenge me and I didn't challenge them.

So what did I do? My husband and I moved back to our college town and our college church. We still stayed stagnant for a couple years – we were quite consumed with having babies and living in a constant state of sleep deprivation. But even in those years, we were SO challenged to love someone other than ourselves, to give when we didn't think we could give any more and to love more than we thought was possible.

That season laid a foundation for all that God has been doing in our hearts this past year. It's been amazing. My heart has been so stirred. I've learned so much. I've been challenged and changed. I hope this season never ends.

That is my greatest fear.

So, what challenges you? What has stirred your heart? What has inspired you? A book? A movie? A verse? A song? Please share. 


Should Christians Save for Retirement?

I've been thinking about this lately and I've not come to a conclusion. Should Christians (or really – anyone who cares about others) save for a comfy retirement when there millions all over the world who will not live to see 15 because of simple problems that my retirement account could easily rectify like clean water, or basic food provisions, or readily available health resources?

What do you think?



Stay-at-Home Moms Don’t eat Bon-bons

Since all of you know how much I completely adore my children and how thankful and happy I am that I get to stay home with them, I present today’s post:

National A.P.B. (All Points Bulletin) Alert

A woman has issued two APB alerts on things that seem to have been missing since early this morning.

Kat J. says she can’t remember the exact time, but she says it was sometime after Sesame Street that she lost her mind and her last nerve.

Kat’s last nerve is described as, “pretty shredded and short. There wasn’t much too it. It was really kind of a nub of a nerve, but I depended on it a lot and I’d like to have it back.”

Kat’s mind is described as, “a little bit scattered and prone to wander.”

It is not known whether they were together at the time of their disappearance.

If you see either of these items, please call for backup. DO NOT try to apprehend them on your own. They are on edge and may not respond to reasoning.

Thank you.

(Yes. It’s been one of those days.)


An Excerpt from My Daughter’s Bedtime Battle Plan…

The following entry was discovered in a book in my daughter’s room entitled, “My Bedtime Battle Plan” (ok, I’m being ficitious, but if 1 year olds could write, I’m sure she would write this as it’s her nightly strategy of late.)
When bedtime is announced, strictly adhere to the following procedures as they have proven highly effective in delaying bedtime:

STEP 1: Daddy’s Girl Tactic
When Mommy tells me to go to bed, immediately bolt off in my cute little run (make sure to wave one hand in the air while running – Mommy thinks this is very adorable) and head for Daddy yelling, “Daaaddeee KISS – KISS – KISS!!!”

Of course Mommy can’t say no to that right? After all, it’s just one kiss, and Mommy would never deprive Daddy of that.

STEP 2: Sisterly Bond Strategy

When the second bedtime announcement is made yell, “Sissy – KISS – KISS!!!!”

Mommy would never want to squelch sisterly affection. Be sure to hug too. In clinical trials, a hug has been proven to delay bedtime by as much as 5 seconds.

STEP 3: Mommy Dearest – 100% Effective

When Mommy once again declares that it is bedtime, look up at Mommy with eyes open real big, raise arms and longingly say, “Hold me! Mommy! Mommy – KISS – KISS!!!!!”

This one is a surefire winner. After 1.75 years of testing this tactic has yet to fail.

STEP 4: Shake and Bake

At this point Mommy will carry me into my room and then put me down so that I can climb into my crib. After about 30 seconds of pretending like I can actually climb into my crib, Mommy will try to pick me up. WARNING!!! Do not let her succeed!!! If she is successful in apprehending me, there is no turning back from bedtime. Flail. Squirm. Whatever it takes. This is the time to throw in some shake and bake and out maneauver Mommy.

Fake left. Fake right. Go between the legs.

Mommy’s pretty quick, so watch out.

STEP 5: When all else fails.

If Mommy does manage to pick me up, be resigned to the fact that bedtime is inevitable. However, I can greatly delay bedtime by employing all available cuddle skills. Playing with Mommy’s hair and snuggling my face in her shoulder are excellent strategies. Singing along with Mommy (very loudly and off key is especially effective) works well also.

If I truly want to pull out all the stops, be sure to say, “I yuh you, Mommy” several times. This has been known to prolong bedtime by as much as 20 minutes.

STEP 6: Evaluate
Once Mommy has put me to bed, be sure to pull out my journal and make scientific notes regarding which tactics were effective and which ones weren’t. Be sure to review battle plans with LTC. Grandpa and LTC. Aunt Natalie, they may be able to provide valuable military strategy.

STEP 7: Rest
Get your rest. After all, tomorrow is another day and another Bedtime Battle.